ESIC Hospital Achieves Milestone with First Robotic Kidney Transplant

The ESIC Medical College and Hospital has made history by successfully conducting the first-ever robotic kidney transplant in any government-owned Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) hospital. This groundbreaking achievement signifies a new era in healthcare within the ESIC network, showcasing the institution’s dedication to advanced medical care.

Led by a team of skilled surgeons including Dr. Jitendra Kumar, Dr. Saurabh Joshi, Dr. Varun Katiyar, and Dr. Nishant of Accord Hospital, the transplant surgery integrated robotic technology into traditional procedures, promising greater precision and efficacy. The recipient of the transplant, Chandan Giri, 28, had been battling kidney disease and his successful surgery at ESIC Hospital has brought new hope and health to his life.


1. What is robotic kidney transplant?

A robotic kidney transplant involves utilizing robotic technology to assist surgeons in performing the transplant procedure. This technology allows for enhanced precision and minimally invasive surgery.

2. How is robotic kidney transplant different from traditional transplant methods?

Robotic kidney transplant involves the use of robotic arms to perform the surgery through smaller incisions, leading to less scarring, reduced blood loss, and faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery.

3. Who is eligible for a robotic kidney transplant?

Patients who require a kidney transplant and are deemed suitable candidates for surgery by their medical team may be eligible for a robotic kidney transplant. The decision is made based on various factors including the patient’s overall health and specific medical needs.


The successful robotic kidney transplant at ESIC Hospital marks a significant milestone in the field of healthcare. The innovative use of robotic technology in organ transplantation demonstrates the hospital’s commitment to offering cutting-edge medical care and improving patient outcomes. This achievement not only provides hope and health to individuals like Chandan Giri but also sets a new standard for future medical advancements within the ESIC network.

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